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Candidol is an effective ointment for nail and foot fungus. Buy in Singapore at a discount!

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Tired of fighting a fungal infection? You are not alone in this! Mycosis and onychomycosis are one of the most common diseases. According to statistics, about 85% of people on the planet suffer from it. Candidol ointment will help to cope with this problem. It quickly and effectively fights the fungus at any stage. The components of the drug instantly penetrate the skin and create a reliable barrier to the further development of the disease.

About the product

Candidol is an ointment for external use, which has an exclusively natural basis. The tool has passed all clinical trials and proved its effectiveness in 98% of cases. The components of the drug are well combined with each other and provide a complex effect on the problem:

  • Destroy the pathogen within 24 hours;
  • Destroy the structure of fungal cells and suppress their reproduction;
  • Relieve itching and burning already on the first day of use;
  • Eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • Restore soft tissues in 7 days;
  • Increase local immunity;
  • Strengthen the nail plates;
  • Heal cracks, peeling and wounds;
  • Prevent re-infection;
  • Relieve excessive sweating of the feet;
  • Increase immunity;
  • Relieve the inflammatory process.

How does Candidol work?

The main feature of this drug is the natural composition, in which there are no chemical additives, preservatives and flavorings. Candidol does not cause adverse reactions and has no contraindications, so it can even be used to treat nail fungus in children.

This product is based on a biogenic formula that has regenerating, antifungal, immunoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. The components that make up the Candidol ointment kill all known types of pathogens (more than 300 strains), restore the skin, relieve unpleasant symptoms.

The active ingredients of this drug are:

  • Terpinen is a highly effective antifungal agent that prevents the development of pathology, inhibits the activity of the fungus, removes its spores from the body and prevents re-infection;
  • Tea tree oil - contains components that destroy the structure and suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Comfrey - activates local immunity, kills fungus, restores and strengthens the structure of nails, and also accelerates their growth;
  • Sulfur - stops the process of inflammation, nourishes soft tissues, promotes their rapid healing, soothes itching, stimulates blood flow;
  • Colloidal silver - has a powerful antiseptic effect, resists the development of fungi and bacteria;
  • Juniper oil - helped

How to apply it correctly?

Candidol ointment is very easy to use. The agent is applied in a thin layer on clean and dry skin of the feet or nails 2-3 times a day. Positive changes are noticeable after the first application. The fungal infection stops its development, the unpleasant odor disappears, cracks and painful wounds begin to actively heal and heal. After three days of regular use, there is a significant improvement in the condition of the nails and skin, and after another week there is a complete restoration of the epidermis. What is also important, the product is evenly distributed over the entire surface, quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes or bed linen.

Where can I buy a product in Singapore - in a pharmacy or on the Internet?

Candidol is not Sold in pharmacies and marketplaces. It is simply unprofitable for pharmaceutical companies to offer such an effective product to customers - because of this, sales of other drugs will immediately fall. But you can always buy a certified ointment on the official website.

Expert opinion

Ben Glover, dermatologist-venereologist:

Every day comes to me a huge number of patients with complaints of nail and foot fungus. This is indeed a very common problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. Candidol is ideal for the treatment of fungal diseases. This tool effectively and quickly gets rid of fungal infections, even at the most advanced stages.

Customer reviews of Candidol ointment

Nino, 28 years old:

I have suffered from nail fungus for a long time. He then disappeared, then reappeared, but on a different nail. I tried a variety of medicines, but the effect was temporary, so the treatment never ended. Recently I read about Candidol ointment online and immediately ordered it. The first changes became noticeable after a few days. I couldn't believe I was finally able to get rid of the fungus! A little more than 6 months have passed since then, and he has never returned!

Robert, 41:

The treatment started 3 days ago, but the result is already there. Before that, no ointment helped as quickly as this one. The itching and burning sensation disappeared almost immediately, there is no unpleasant smell either. I will continue the treatment.

Gregor, 35:

I was able to get rid of foot fungus only thanks to Candidol ointment. The wounds on my legs were so deep that I could not walk normally. All this was accompanied by terrible itching and rashes. Now the situation is almost ideal. The unpleasant smell has disappeared, the cracks are well tightened, the fungus does not develop further. I recommend Candidol to everyone!

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