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Derminax from eels and shine! Buy in UK with 50% discount


Imperfect skin suffers half the world's population. Cosmetics help clean the upper layer of the skin, but are not able to cope with the cause of inflammatory diseases. Dermatologists confirm that in the fight against acne and acne, it is primarily important to provide antibacterial protection and clean the pores. Clogged sebaceous glands create an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms. The inflammatory process adversely affects the appearance - the face is covered with dense bumps, acne and other defects. For effective cleansing and impact on the causes of skin ailments from the inside, a natural remedy with the therapeutic effect of Derminax is created. The encapsulated product helps to get rid of blackheads, acne, black spots and other skin problems.

How Derminax Works

People with oily or combination skin are more likely to suffer from unhealthy shine, pimples and a feeling of loose skin. They are sensitive to cosmetics and care products, they know firsthand about signs of inflammation. Elevated secretions of the sebaceous glands, impaired hormonal balance and infatuation with poor-quality cosmetics lead to a decrease in the immune defense of the skin, the development of infection, and the formation of pustules. Derminax capsules are able to handle all these problems.

The tool has a triple effect:

  • antibacterial - works against bacteria that cause inflammation;
  • fungicidal - interferes with reproduction and development of microorganisms;
  • regulatory - reduces the production of sebum, the excess of which provoke the appearance of a problem.

The active components of the tool act from the inside, preventing the development of inflammation. A regular course does not just eliminate the symptoms. Derminax has many other benefits:

  • restores metabolism;
  • cleans the blood of toxins;
  • cleans pores, promoting healthy skin breathing;
  • stimulates the production of collagen;
  • smoothes the skin and improves its tone.

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The composition of the tool

Derminax is based on natural ingredients. The complex stimulates the normal course of metabolic processes, strengthens skin immunity.

The composition includes:

  • nettle extract - cleanses the blood of slag and toxins, fully nourishes, normalizes secretory activity;
  • horsetail extract - has a blood-purifying and anti-inflammatory effect, is actively used for allergies, reduces redness and swelling on the skin;
  • Collagen - improves skin structures, improves elasticity, gives skin turgor;
  • zinc - normalizes metabolic processes, helps restore skin functions;
  • copper - normalizes the production of skin pigments;
  • Vitamins E, C, B2 - have an antioxidant effect, strengthen the cell structure, contribute to the rapid recovery and growth of immunity.

The components of Derminax capsules reinforce each other and in combination have a good therapeutic effect.

Instructions for use of Derminax for acne

It is recommended to use Derminax capsules twice a day with meals. One pack is enough for a monthly course. For visible results of treatment should be at least 3-4 weeks. For big skin problems, take the capsules for 3 months.

The tool has no contraindications and is valid for use in adolescence.


Expert opinion

I studied the results of the clinical trials of Derminax. The tool proved to be great on patients with oily and combination skin. Active components daily rebuild the body, clean the internal structures, which invariably positively affects the appearance. The main thing is that the effect is not short-lived. Eliminating an internal problem, a person really cares about the health of the skin. Only you can not wait for a quick result. It is important to take capsules until the body is completely cleansed, which will be visible as the skin and hair.

Lisa, dermatologist, Germany


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Product Reviews Buyers

Acne has become a problem since the age of 16. At first, she used only cleansing cosmetics. The inflammation was very strong. She was treated by dermatologists, took painful courses in the cosmetology office. Always helped, but very briefly.After 25, the skin calmed down a bit, but I was simply killed by the red-brown spots left after the eels. Completely coped with the problem with the new drug Derminax.Now the skin is really smooth and even shade.

Marta, 27 years old, Poland


There were problems with hormones. With the help of expensive drugs, everything was restored, but the skin began to look awful. Half dry, half fat, stained.Dermatologist advised to clear Derminax. Very effective remedy. Sebum now produces a normal amount, as before. I also got rid of regular acne.

Ramona, 24 years old, Romania


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