A number of factors affect the development of joint diseases. Heredity and weakened immunity are the main culprits of the problem. But the provoking factors are exchange failures, viral infections, injuries, and nervous exhaustion. Disorders in the work of the joints are likely to feel overweight people who are not familiar with the concept of nutrition. All these and a number of other circumstances lead to the gradual destruction of tissues, cause degenerative processes, accelerate and strengthen the symptomatic manifestations.
To expand the physical abilities of a person, to slow down degenerative-dystrophic processes, to prevent joint deformation, scientists have developed a natural remedy ProFlexen. Regular intake of capsules heals cartilage tissue, stimulates regeneration, relieves pain, and has a good anti-inflammatory effect.
About the product
ProFlexen is a dietary supplement designed to care for joint health. The formula includes non-denatured type II collagen that has undergone clinical trials and is proven to effectively maintain the elasticity and mobility of joints.
The density of cartilage is affected by the surrounding tissue. Structures are included in the inflammatory process, causing pain, destruction of cartilage, impaired mobility.
The main reasons are:
- obesity;
- fixed lifestyle;
- poor nutrition;
- hard physical labor;
- exhausting exercise.
The action of ProFlexen capsules is aimed at maintaining healthy joints. In exchange admission shows the strongest bioactive and adaptogenic properties. It is also used to treat bruises, stimulates blood circulation, adjusts the body to produce its own collagen fibers. It is recommended for all types of dystrophic lesions.

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80 £ 39.99 £ProFlexen Composition
Natural, carefully selected ingredients provide a stable and lasting effect. Active substances act on the affected area and on the body as a whole.
The structure includes:
- undenatured type 2 collagen - prevents degenerative diseases of the joints;
- Bosselia resin extract - relieves inflammation, increases the elasticity of tissues, restores blood flow, ensures normal functioning of the joint;
- turmeric extract - effectively fights inflammation, prevents the destruction of connective tissue;
- ginger root - fighting infections normalizes metabolic processes in cartilage tissues;
- manganese is necessary for the formation of cartilage tissue;
- Vitamin C - stabilizes the state, is involved in metabolic processes, stimulates recovery.
The effectiveness of the composition depends on the time course reception and the initial state - the level of pain, physical discomfort, the degree of immobility.
The tool is also indicated for prophylactic administration. Ideal for athletes and people who are often exposed to physical exertion.

How to apply the tool
It is recommended to take 1 capsule of ProFlexen 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Full packaging is enough for a monthly course. The first results are noticeable after 2 weeks of administration.
Feedback from a specialist
The action of ProFlexen is different from other popular means. It does not injure the articular bag, has no damaging effect on the tissue, but gently stimulates recovery. It is important that patients begin to feel relief rather quickly. Natural components, especially collagen, maintain joint flexibility, prevent morning stiffness, and provide protection during physical exertion. The tool helps to return to the usual duties and the normal life of a healthy person.
Olivia, rheumatologist

Only today! 50% discount
80 £ 39.99 £Customer Reviews
I love natural remedies and trust them more than pharmaceuticals with complex chemical composition. I bought several packages for myself, but as a result I was treated with my parents. Mom, 72, had less pain in her knees, mobility increased.The father had more severe inflammation, but pain and redness also complained much less.
Felicia, 44 years old, Sweden

After a knee injury, arthritis began to develop. Some years it only got worse. The knee was especially painful at night. And in the morning it was even such that he could not get up. I had to work out my leg to go to work. Cream bought as an additive to complex treatment. Even doctors recommend combining internal and external drugs with different actions - against inflammation, destruction, against pain. In such a role, the capsules absolutely suited me. Moreover, they stimulate the production of its own collagen. Its disadvantage is the main cause of poor mobility of joints. I recommend an agent for prophylaxis and for medicinal purposes.
Szymon, 53 years old, Poland